2013. augusztus 19., hétfő

Haruki Murakami - The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles

How: from Waterstones - buy one get one half price
Started: beginning of August
Status on the 19th of August - 332 pages read out of 607

What I think so far:

I started out with great expectations, because I loved Norwegian Wood and according to a friend of mine (literature PHD student!), this is one of his best novels. Well, it is not, according to me. At first I thought it has just started slowly and it’ll get better in time, but I’m halfway through and it is still on the border of being boring and annoying. I actually couldn’t bear to bring it with me on the tube today. Not a good sign.
It is surreal, but not surreal enough, and the main character is basically boring as hell unlike the guy in Norwegian Wood. And unlike in Norwegian Wood, there is not much here about being Japanese, which was such an additional pleasure for me while I was reading that book.
We’ll see, to be continued…